In this story, I want to show you techniques that are used in Pomodoro by Increaser to simplify the management of the redux state, and that can be useful tools for your React+Redux app development.
This story will be focused entirely on Redux-React interaction techniques. If you interested in making a newly created react app suitable to work with redux and redux-saga, you can check this story.
Redux Act
I’ve found a redux-act library almost three years ago and used it extensively both on my daytime job and side projects. Even so, it’s not very popular, it makes redux-related code more clear and concise, without harming readability by providing nice utils for reducers and actions creation. It can save a project from hundreds of switch-case blocks and capital-case constants. Also, you don’t need to make any extra hustle to plug it into an existing project.
In the file that exports root reducer, we first import all smaller reducers creators. Then make a function that creates a brand new root reducer by combining smaller ones. In the end, we export function that wraps root reducer and handles sign out.
Every file in reducers directory besides index.js exports function that creates a reducer so that when a user signs out from the app, we can get an initial state by creating a new root reducer, then using it to create a new store, then taking stores state and passing it to the old reducer.
In the case when the default state borrows some values from browser storage, it is better to have a function generating default state.
Sometimes we have actions that toggle some value in the state, for example, modal or some switcher. To escape the writing of the same code, we can create a helper function.
Set Value
If the toggle function used only five times in Pomodoro by Increaser, setValue used 18 times at the moment of writing this story. We can use it in situations when we need to update a single value in the state.
We are passing the second parameter when we don’t expect anything in the payload.
[a.requestStatistics]: setValue('requested', true)
We only pass the name of the field if we want to update it with the value from the payload.
[a.changeNewProjectColor]: setValue('newProjectColor')
Connect To
To connect a component to the state in Pomodoro by Increaser used a small function that reduces the amount of extra code. It was imported 47 times and saved some mental energy and time.
Below we can see an example of how this function can be used to pass actions dispatchers and data from state to the Timer component.
Take From State
This function used all the time in Pomodoro by Increaser. But the caveat is that it only will be of use for projects where the state is not a very deep object.
// flat state
const { id } = state.user// deep state(an object inside of an object inside of an object...)
const { id } =
And no collisions with field names are there.
timer: ['duration'],
timeline: ['sets'],
settings: ['tickingSound'],
// collision!
sound: ['duration']
But I believe both of the cases can be handled by adding some modifications to the function.
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